Controls For Minecraft On

The basic controls for Minecraft are similar to most other PC games that use a qwerty keyboard: In Minecraft Creative Mode, tap the space bar twice to fly. While flying, press the space bar again to move higher up and press Shift to move down. Unlike Bedrock Edition, the Java Edition of Minecraft does not allow players to use a controller to play the game. There are many reasons why players find using a controller a better experience. Controllable not only makes the game more accessible by enabling controller support, it allows multiple instances of the game to be played on the same.

By default, Minecraft comes with predefined controls, ready to be used. You’ve probably known that W, S, A, D are what’s used to move the player in directions. Press “T” to chat, we clearly expressed that in this post. But what if you want to use a different key? Maybe you want to use the arrow keys to move in Minecraft. Maybe you want to use the button “Enter” to Sneak. Well that luckily is possible, so brace yourself on this adventure shown how below. FYI, this is answered in Minecraft 1.8.

The Dumb/Uneducated Answer:

Just ask someone on Minecraft, geez!

The Straightforward Answer:

In the settings menu, press “Options…” and then “Controls…”. After that you scroll down and click the box corresponding to the action done in Minecraft. On your keyboard, press whatever key you want the action to be and click Done. You’re all set! You can always click “Reset” which will put the key back to default. Make sure there are no conflicts!

The Well Explained Answer:

Controls For Minecraft On

Once you are logged in Minecraft, wether it’s Singleplayer or Multiplayer, press “Esc” which is on your keyboard. That should open up the menu/pause screen. On that menu, you should find a button labeled “Options…”. Click that. After that, click the button labeled “Controls…”. You should then get a column listed under Gameplay. For instance, for Attack/Destroy, it probably says “Button 1”. If you want it to be a different key, let’s say “N”, click the box that says “Button 1”. Then once clicked, press the “N” button on your keyboard. That should change it to that key. So whenever you press ‘N” you will hit/attack. But if you don’t want that and would prefer default, click “Reset”. This applies to any other action. You can scroll down. Once finished, click “Done” and then “Done” one more time. Then test out your new controls!

Controls For Minecraft On Nintendo Switch


The Just Tell Me Quickly Answer:

Controls For Minecraft Pc


Controls For Minecraft On Mac

In pause menu: Options>Controls>{Change what you want}>Done>Done.

The Historic Answer:

You see, Minecraft is one of those few games that allow you to change the controls. Not every game lets you do that. It’s considered hard to implement this in games. But in case you’re wondering how, you can get into the pause menu. By being in Singleplayer or Multiplayer in Minecraft, you can press Esc. Then click Options… which is located in the second column in menu. Then click Controls… which is also found in the second column. Don’t worry, it’s not hidden. Once in there, you should see all the buttons listed under Gameplay. Maybe you want to change how you attack. It says Button 1 right? Well, click Button 1 and then press a key on your keyboard that you wish for the new action to be. So if you want it to be x, press x on your keyboard. Also, if you want keys to go back to default, simply click Reset. Once done, click Done. You may have to click Done again or press (esc) on your keyboard. There you go!