What is Audiobus? — Audiobus isan award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you useyour other music apps together. Chain effects on your favouritesynth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app likeGarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface outputfor each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive asynth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDIkeyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear.And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.
Download on the App Store
Windows: C: Program Files Native Instruments Traktor Audio 6 / 10 Driver 'ta6cpl.exe' / 'ta10cpl.exe' In the Channel Setup menu, switch to the Startup tab. Note: While the Mac OS X control panel displays only the Channel Setup menu, the Windows control panel displays two additional menus, Audio Settings and Diagnostics. May 21, 2021 This is also getting an outlet. We delete comments that no Komplete Audio Control Panel is found. 3.2.2 Installing KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 on Windows XP/Vista ENGLISH!!Do not connect the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 to your computer before the software installa-tion process is finished. The KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 is a fully-fledged audio interface with lots of options.
Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

Hi to all,

the last weeks i tried to find a sophisticated solution finding an audio interface in order to extend my iPad 4 with two or more analog inputs in order to use it along with loopy hd as a loop station. Furthermore i want to use my iPad 4 as a Kaos-Pad and record everything in ableton.
Now, then only solution is, as far i can see, ( but haven´t had the chance to try yet) is of course the iconnectmidi 2+/4+ as aggregate device with a existing audio interface. In my case, a NI Komplete Audio 6. A lot of people using this setup are experiencing big latencies (please correct me if i´m wrong)
As some of you may know, the NI Komplete Audio 6 is Class Compliant and i can confirm that it can be connected via CCK over a Powered USB Hub to use it as an iPad Audio Interface.
See here:
Now, theoretically, and hopefully some of you can confirm this, it should be possible to use 2 Komplete Audio 6 connected via SPDIF to each other. Connecting the first KA6 via USB to a Computer (in my case a MacBook Pro) and the second KA6 via USB to CCK to iPad.
I´m curious about your ideas...
Komplete Audio 6 Control Panels Reviews
this should work in theory. I connected interfaces via SPDIF in the past, this works.
The receiving interface must be in slave mode for the sampling rate.
Now, then only solution is, as far i can see, ( but haven´t had the chance to try yet) is of course the iconnectmidi 2+/4+ as aggregate device with a existing audio interface.
As long as you can set up a master/slave scenario for the clocks, it should work swimmingly. But this type of SPDIF connection and the iConnects aren't the only solutions at all; they're the only real time digital audio solutions.
I'm all for clean signal paths but any two reasonable interfaces will do just fine. A little extra D->A to A->D never actually hurt anyone.
I agree, it happens quite often that I run the output from one interface through hardware effects and then record with the second interface. This little extra D->A to A->D is necessary for this case.
- edited September 2014
hi guys, i might give it a try with two KA6 and post results here.
thank you for your thoughts - edited January 2015
Sorry to revive an old thread but you peeps look to be knowledgable on the subject.
I'm trying to send a digital signal from a Macbook into iPad via the Komplete Audio 6 SPDIF input. The problem is that I can't get the KA6 to register any SPDIF input signal and I suspect it's because I haven't been able to setup a master/slave connection for the digital signal. OS X Audio Midi Setup program doesn't seem to allow this to be set for outgoing audio. Does anyone know how to do this within Loopy, Audiobus or any other iOS app?
@Justajiva I can only get my Komplete Audio 6 to sync to SPDIF input when it is connected to my computer, and I go into the Komplete Audio 6 Control Panel and select the Digital Sync Source of External S/PDIF 5|6.
Since there is no driver or control panel in iOS, is there any way to select external sync or use SPDIF In?
I think @Sebastian has this interface. Any ideas? Really a bummer if I can't use SPDIF In with iOS!!!