- Ti 89 Emulator Linux
- Ti 89 Emulator Iphone
- Ti 89 Emulator Android
- Ti-89 Emulator For Mac
- Ti 89 Emulator Windows
TI-99/4A Emulators
This is a step by step tutorial on how to get a TI-89 titanium on your computer. This is a step by step tutorial on how to get a TI-89 titanium on your computer.
- A TI-89 emulator. Not TI-83, not TI-86 - TI-89. You need your own ROM to make it work. Got a calculator already? Pull the ROM and load it into Graph89. The ROM is located on THEIR website. App Link Credit: Android Police.
- Classic99 - Windows. Brent (AKA Tursi) Classic99 was formerly the 'Ami99 Emulator'. It is currently in version 3.1a2, and has been updated to include new ROMs, 'magic' disk ability has been added so things like Editor/Assembler can have their support files available, a menu for ROM/system selection has been added, and it now had more reasonable defaults for today's machines.
- Classic99-Windows
- Win994a Simulator-Windows
- TI994W-Windows
- ami99-WIN
- TI99SIM-Linux
- M.E.S.S.-Multiple
- Misc.-Multiple
- TI4Amiga-Amiga
- EmulatorQuestion/Answer Forum- ABBS-style message center dedicated to questions and answers aboutTI-99/4A emulators
- OldEmulator Forum- The old BBSmessage board. You can't post any new messages here- post those on thenew board that is linked above- but there are some good answers andtips in these older messages.
- PC99& V9T9 Disk Images:
Variousdisks in PC99 format
HowardUman's games- V9T9 format disk
IanHowle's games- V9T9/PC99 format disks
Classic99 - Windows
Classic99 was formerly the'Ami99 Emulator'.
It is currently in version 3.1a2, and has been updated to include newROMs, 'magic' disk ability has been added so things likeEditor/Assembler can have their support files available, a menu forROM/system selection has been added, and it now had more reasonabledefaults for today's machines.
Download from Tursi's site: http://www.harmlesslion.com/software/Classic99
TI994W - Windows
Ti994w.zip-436 KB
PC99 (For the PC)
PC99by CaDD Electronics. Contactthem at:
CaDD Electronics
45 Centerville Drive
Salem, NH 03079-2674
(603) 895-0119
Web Page: http://www.cadd99.com/

View screen shotsfrom PC99
For PC99 utility programs,visit the utilitypage

V9T9 (For the PC)
This is the older Windows version of V9T9 which until recently, was nolonger supported by it's author, Edward Swartz. In 2013, Swartzreleased a new version in Java. You can download it on his siteat http://eswartz.github.com/emul/Download version 6.0 (For Windows, old version):
600v9t9.zip930KB [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Download v9t9 6.0documentation. If these files didn't come with your copy of v9t9, unzipthem to a directory named Docswithin the V6.0 directory.
On some computers, V9T9 doesnot detect the processor if it is a 386 or higher. To remedy this,Kerry Lee High Jr. has removed the processor check from v9t9.exe. Ifyou've been having problems, downloadv9t9fix.zip, unzip it, andreplace v9t9.exe with v9t9fix.exe.
V9T9 Bug Report: 600v9t9.bug841 Bytes
V9T9 Mini Memory bug fix byJim Z.
Download Memcode.inc15KB
DoubleSide Disks
This zip file contains the V9T9DS.EXE file, which is the V9T9.EXEmodified by Andy Becker on July 2001 so as to handle Double Side Diskson V9T9.
V9T9 Source Code:
For V9T9 utility programs,visit the utilitypage
Ami99 by M.Brent/Tursi(For Windows 95, 98, NT?)
A really cool TI emulator forWindows that started out on the Amiga. Writen in C, requires a set ofTI ROMS.
(Discontinued-Now The Classic99 Emulator)
Website: https://github.com/billzajac/ti99sim
Author: Marc Rousseau
Check out the TI screenshoton the MESS screenshot page at: http://mess.emuverse.com/
For M.E.S.S. utilityprograms, visit the utilitypage
MacV9T9 (For the Macintosh)
Author: RaphaëlNabet
Webpage: http://perso.club-internet.fr/pytheas/english/TI99.html
Requires: Macintosh with 500 kb of free memory, system 7, and ColorQuickdraw
Download version 0.2.1a2 (11/7/99):
(Note: Since I have been doing poorly at keeping up with all of the newversions of MAC V9T9, I am not keeping a copy of it for download onthis site, and I am directing download request to the author's webpage.)
The Tutti Emulator by Cameron Kaiser (Forthe Commodore 64, or a C64 emulator)
Anemulator of the TI-99 clone, the Tomy Tutor. A link to Cameron's TuttiEmulator information pagecan be found on his web page: The Little Orphan: The Tomy Tutor.IanGledhill has written a TomyTutor emulator that runs in Windows. For more information, check outCameron Kaiser's Little Orphanweb site or the TomyTutor Yahoo Group (source codeavailable here). The emulator is version 1.0 and requires the SDLLibrary in order to run. Be sureto check out Ian's retro-computer website at www.retroreview.com.
Download TutorEm V1.0- 49KB
Ti 89 Emulator Linux
TI-99/4A Emulator by TonBrouwer(Linux)
I haven't tested this as Idon't run Linux, but here's the information file:
Download Version 0.2:
TI-99/4A Emulator by TonBrouwer(For the PC)
A fairly simple, text onlyemulator. As far as I can tell, it only allows you to operate inTI-Basic.
Ti 89 Emulator Iphone
TI-99/4A Emulator by Ton Brouwer,ported by Stefan Haubenthal (For the Amiga)
TI4Amiga.lha-226 Bytes
HTML source © 2015 [email protected]
Ti 89 Emulator Android
TexasInstruments, TI, and TI-99/4A are all trademarks or service marks of TexasInstruments Inc.
Items on this non-commercial site are presented for reference/nostalgiapurposes only.
Texas Instruments has granted writtenpermission to [email protected]to post 99/4A documentation on this website.The owner of thissite doesnot guarantee or necessarily test any of the programs or filesavailable for download from the site. Downloading and installing anyfiles is done at your own risk. Files have been scanned for viruses bythe webmaster, but there is no guarantee that they are virus free, andyou should scan them yourself before installing them.
Itemson this non-commercial site are presented forreference/nostalgia purposes only. If you are an author or ownerof an item on this site and wish it removed, please contact me at [email protected]
TI-89 and TI-89 Titanium are two graphics calculators developed by Texas Instruments (TI). They are distinguished from most other IT graphing calculators by their computer algebra system, which allows the symbolic manipulation of equations of algebraic equations to be solved in terms of variables. To know the differences between them, please read the article below.
– The overview between Texas Instruments TI-89 vs TI-89 Titanium
– The user features Texas Instruments TI-89 vs TI-89 Titanium
Overview of Texas Instruments IT-89
TI-89 is a graphical calculator. TI-89 has a 160×100 pixel LCD screen resolution and a large amount of flash memory and includes Advanced Mathematics Software IT. TI-89 is one of the highest IT calculator products.
TI-89 runs on a 16-bit microprocessor, which runs nominally at 10, 12 MHz, depending on the hardware version of the calculator. There is 256 kB of total RAM for each unit and 2 MB of flash memories (700 kB available to users) allocated by Texas Instruments. To store expression, variables, programs, tables, text files, and lists can be stored in RAM and Flash ROM.
Overview of TI-89 Titanium
TI-89 Titanium calculator is also a new graphics calculator that offers RAM and speeds up to 16 MHz, which runs at speeds between 12.85 to 14.1 MHz. It looks faster than the TI-89 type calculator. This versatile graph calculator features advanced functionality and 3-D graphics that make troubleshooting for math and advanced machine engineering easier. The built-in Computer Algebra System (CAS) allows you to explore and manipulate mathematical expressions in symbolic form.
User Features
The main advantage that can be seen from TI-89 is a low-tech IT calculator in its computer algebra system or CAS. However, the calculator can evaluate and simplify algebraic expressions symbolically. The ability of TI-89 is not only there, TI-89 is also able to see the expression algebra factor, including partial fraction decomposition, algebraic simplification, evaluation of the trigonometric expression to an exact value.
In addition to the standard two-dimensional plot function, it can also generate graphs of parametric equations, polar equations, plot sequences, differential equation fields, and three-dimensional functions (two independent variables).
TI-89 is also programmed directly in a language called TI-BASIC, a TI-BASIC derivative for calculators. TI-89 is also possible to develop more complex programs using computers. Another advantage is that IT-89 includes more flash memory available three times more for users.
Titanium TI-89 is basically a Voyage 200, except it does not have an integrated keyboard. TI-89 Titanium also has a USB port, which allows to connect to other TI-89 Titanium calculators or to connect to a computer for the purpose of saving programs or updating the operating system. Titanium TI-89 also features applications from other IT-calculators, such as “CellSheet”, a spreadsheet program that is also offered with other IT calculators. Titanium has a slightly updated CAS, which adds some mathematical functions, especially implicit differentiation.
Texas Instruments TI-89 vs TI-89 TitaniumTi-89 Emulator For Mac
Name | Texas Instruments TI-89 | Texas Instruments TI-89 Titanium |
Key Features | - High-resolution display with split-screen views - Computes symbolic solutions to differential equations - Input/output port and cable, also supports optional TI-graph link | - Graphing calculator handles calculus, algebra, matrices, and statistical functions - 188 KB RAM and 2.7 MB flash memory for speed - Plenty of storage for functions, programs, data |
Price | ||
Best Offer | Save Money Please click here | Save Money Please click here |
Ti 89 Emulator Windows
From the comparison above, we could say that Titanium TI-89 basically more than Texas Instruments TI-89. Why? Because Texas Instruments TI-89 is upgraded from TI89. So that’s why Titanium TI-89 has more capability rather than Texas Instruments TI-89